DAY 3: 30 October 2014 Parallel Paper Presentations 13:45 - 15:30

Room D0710 Room D0711 Room D0718
Chair: Monwipa Wongrujira Chair: Yiu Kong Chan Chair: Billy Tak-Ming Wong
Planning and management Institutional advancement and innovations Nurturing an institutional research culture
Open education initiatives and KM readiness in an ODeL institution
Melinda F Lumanta and Alvie Simonette Q Alip
University of the Philippines Open University
Los Baños, the Philippines
Distance teacher education for a better school Curriculum 2013
Udin S Winataputra and Riza Alrakhman
FKIP-Universitas Terbuka
Jakarta, Indonesia
Social network analysis of the research relationships among faculty members of the UP Open University
Joyce Mae Manalo
University of the Philippines Open University
Los Baños, the Philippines
A mobile course rescheduling system with WeChat in Jiangsu Open University
Shen Jun
Jiangsu Open University
Nanjing, China

The interplay between gender, learning approaches and academic performance in Chinese sub-degree and degree students
Chi Nam Andy Kan
The Open University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR, China
Yiu Kong Chan
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR, China

Enhancing research on public management through open and distance e-learning
Juvy Lizette M Gervacio
University of the Philippines Open University
Los Baños, the Philippines
The devepoment of a hybrid learning system model in an academic training programme on instructional materials research
Trini Prastati, Benny A Pribadi and Sandra Sukmaning Aji
Universitas Terbuka
Reconceptualizing analytics in education: A quest for a common ground
Kam Cheong Li, Beryl Y Y Wong and Esther W S Chok
The Open University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR, China
Fostering an institutional research culture: A case study from the OUM Business School
Mohamad, W, Zakariah, Z, Afzhan Khan, M and Ruslan, R
Open University Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Survey of external stakeholders’ image of STOU
Paiboon Kachentaraphan, Orasa Pankhao and Monwipa Wongrujira
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
Nonthaburi, Thailand
Instructional technology from the perspective of cultural historical activity theory: A case study of a video-conferencing system in an open and distance university
Park, Yangjoo and Yeon, Eun Kyung
Korea National Open University
Seoul, Korea
Studies on OCW and MOOCs Use of ICT in course delivery Studies on OCW and MOOCs
MOOC in Indian higher education with specific reference to open universities: Prospects and challenges
Sindhu P Nair
Indira Gandhi National Open University
New Delhi, India
Skill development in business intelligence for ICT graduate programmes in ODL: A case from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University STOU
Vipa Jaroenpuntaruk
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
Nonthaburi, Thailand
The Open University of Japan’s MOOC platform: Features and outcomes
Tsuneo Yamada and Yoichi Okabe
The Open University of Japan
Chiba, Japan
Masumi Hori and Seishi Ono
MODeLing: Reinventing MOOC through a learner-centred approach
Melinda dela Pena Bandalaria
University of the Philippines Open University
Los Baños, the Philippines

Student perceptions and experience of online tutorials
Einstivina Nuryandani, Purwaningdyah Murti Wahyuni and Joko Setiyanto
Semarang Regional Office, Universitas Terbuka
Maximus Gorky Sembiring
Regional Office for Overseas Students, Universitas Terbuka

Research and analysis of a mobile phone library based on mobile learning
Yang Xiaohuan and Yang Lei
Yunnan Open University
Kunming, China
Research on MOOCs: Participation and discussion of online forum
Yang Min
The Open University of China
Beijing, China
The effect of information system quality, perceived usefulness and information quality to end users' satisfaction of the accounting dry lab program
Irma, Rini Dwiyani Hadiwidjaja and Olivia Idrus
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Profiling the characteristics of MOOC platforms
Kam Cheong Li, Billy T M Wong, Esther W S Chok and Terry Lee
The Open University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR, China