The devepoment of a hybrid learning system model in an academic training programme on instructional materials research

Trini Prastati, Benny A Pribadi and Sandra Sukmaning Aji
Universitas Terbuka

The aim of this study was to develop a model of a hybrid learning system to be applied in a training programme on research on instructional materials in Universitas Terbuka (UT). A research and development (R&D) method was used to develop the hybrid learning model. This method consists of several systematic and holistic steps, viz: (1) conducting needs analysis; (2) establishing instructional goals; (3) implementing instructional analysis; (4) analysing trainees and settings; (5) establishing instructional objectives; (6) developing assessment instruments; (7) developing a syllabus and instructional strategy; (8) developing learning materials; and (9) conducting a formative evaluation.

UT has lecturers in 37 Regional Offices who provide support for the implementation of distance learning, and the study was carried out to enhance their ability in research on instructional materials. The University's video conferencing facility was used to deliver the Academic Training Programme on Instructional Materials Research to the lecturers in Regional Offices. The programme adopted a hybrid model — the course was conducted in distance learning via video conferencing, and consultation, completion of tasks, and training outcomes assessment were carried out face-to-face, guided by facilitators in the Regional Offices.

As steps in the research, we conducted data collection, recordings, documentation, record-keeping and surveys. Formative evaluation was done through learning activities in eight Regional Offices for 40 lecturers who participated in this video programme. As a result of the study, the use of a hybrid model learning system is recommended for conducting a training program for lecturers who work in UT's Regional Offices.