Full Paper Submission Guidelines |
The paper should be 6–12 pages long (including tables, figures, and references) and prepared in Microsoft Word format. The author(s) should provide a title, the name(s) of the author(s), author affiliation(s), address(es), and key words (at least three and no more than six). You may make use of the template for preparing your paper and the sample of a completed paper. Detailed guidelines are as follows:
1. |
Font type
The whole text should be in Times New Roman. |
2. |
The paper should be A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm). All margins (top, bottom, left and right) should be 3 cm each. |
3. |
Title The title of the paper should be 14-point, in bold capital and lower case letters, and centered. |
4. |
Author information
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Use 12-point and centered for the author name(s), affiliation(s), mailing address, and email address. |
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The Western naming convention, with given names preceding surnames, should be used. |
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The author information should appear below the title, with one blank line after the title. |
5. |
The subtheme(s) should be 12-point Times New Roman and centred. |
6. |
The format of the abstract should be the same as that for abstract submission. |
7. |
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Include at least three and no more than six keywords. |
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Use 11-point Times New Roman. The keywords should appear below the abstract, with one blank line after the abstract. |
8. |
Main text
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Text throughout the paper should be 12-point Times New Roman, single spacing, and justified. Italic type may be used to emphasize words in running text. Bold type and underlining should be avoided. |
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Headings should be in capital and lower case letters [i.e., nouns, verbs, and all other words (except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions) should be set with an initial capital] and should, with the exception of the paper title, be aligned left. |
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One blank line should appear between parts of the paper. |
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Abbreviations should comply with the standard use. They should be given in full format at the first place they are used. |
9. |
Tables and figures
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Tables should be numbered and have captions which appear above them. |
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Graphics and pictures should not exceed the given page margins, and should be prepared in pure black and white format. |
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Figures should be numbered and have captions which appear under them. |
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Captions should be 12-point centered. |
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The distance between text and figure should be about 8 mm, and the distance between figure and caption about 6 mm. |
10. |
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Footnotes may be used only sparingly. A superscript numeral to refer to a footnote should be used in the text either directly after the word to be discussed or — in relation to a phrase or a sentence — following the punctuation mark (comma, semicolon, or period). Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page within the normal text area, with a line about 5 cm long immediately above them. |
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Footnotes should be 10-point and aligned left. |
11. |
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The author-date method of in-text citation should be used. Following the APA format, the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example:
- Ali (2010) points out that…
- According to Yuen (2011), open learning resources will...
Only cognitive engagement should be considered in case A (Johnson, 2009, p. 199).
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All references that are cited in the text must be given in the reference list. The references must be in APA format and arranged alphabetically at the end of the paper. |
12. |
The paper should not be more than 3,000 words in length including tables, figures, and references. |