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Abstract Submission Guidelines      

The abstract must be submitted in Microsoft Word format with the following information:

1.   An abstract title
2.   Name(s) of the author(s)
3.   Author affiliation(s)
4.   Subtheme(s)
5.   An abstract of no more than 400 words. It should give a good description of the aims and key points of the study to be presented in the paper. The abstract should outline the theme, methods, and results of the study.
6.   Keywords (at least three and no more than six)

Detailed guidelines are as follows:

1.   Title: 14-point Times New Roman, in bold capital and lower case letters.
2.   Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s): 12-point below the title, with one blank line after the title. The Western naming convention, with given names preceding surnames, should be used.
3.   Subtheme(s): 12-point Times New Roman
4.   Abstract: 11-point Times New Roman, single space, and justified, between 250 and 400 words.
5.   Keywords: 11-point Times New Roman below the abstract, with one blank line after the abstract.